[pam-users] SecoNdary Aerosol FormatioN and GrOwth 2023 (NANO-2023) symposium - 13-14 March 2023 - hybrid format

pam-users aerodyne-pam-users at lists.aerodyne.com
Fri Mar 10 21:08:43 EST 2023

My apologies for not forwarding information about this symposium earlier.

The First International Symposium on "SecoNdary Aerosol FormatioN and GrOwth 2023 (NANO-2023)", organized by the University of Hyderabad (INDIA) and Finnish Meteorological Institute (FINLAND), will occur March 13-14, 2023, at the University of Hyderabad. The event will be live-streamed on the following YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/c/UniversityofHyderabad1974/live

The symposium will cover the following topics -

1.   Secondary aerosol formation and growth

2.   Measurement techniques and modeling for nanoparticles

3.   Implications to air quality, human health, and climate change

The scientific program can be found on the symposium website<https://us-east-2.protection.sophos.com?d=nano2023.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmFubzIwMjMuY29tL3Byb2dyYW0=&i=NWZlMzY0NmMyMDVjNjQwZTE1YzFlYTc4&t=eGFSUzgySmJETWExekFWVEx6aFdEVUF6VDJqNzcrc3hGOGJsd3FWRjJYcz0=&h=4ab1c1fd451349da90c2ce5b1c058c20&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVbg5b50M0bRYzcDQ3BWHhDVeLqf52_jUYFxEH7QYX8VYw>. The list of platform presentations is provided below for reference.

Andrew Lambe
Principal Scientist
Aerodyne Research, Inc.

Day 1: 13 March 2023
(All times are in Indian Standard Time, IST)

Session-1: Gaseous Molecules to Nanoparticles, Chairs: Dr. Vijay Soni and Dr. Antti-P Hyvärinen
11:00-11:30    Prof. Markku Kulmala (Online)     Keynote - Atmospheric new particle formation: From molecular clustering to global climate and air quality
11:35-11:55    Dr. Anand Srinivasan                    Invited - Aerosol dynamics: Modelling of particle metrics and applications to air pollution studies
12:00-12:20    Dr. Thaseem Thajudeen               Invited - Fractal aggregates: Formation to characterization
12:25-12:45    Dr. M Venkat Ratnam                   Invited - Evidence of new particle formation in the UTLS region: Initial results from BATAL campaigns

Session-2: Chemical Nature of Nanoparticles, Chair: Prof. S.N. Tripathi
14:00-14:30    Prof. Roy Harrison (Online)         Keynote - Origins and associated chemical composition of nanoparticles
14:35-14:55    Prof. Claudia Mohr (Online)         Invited - Field studies of particle composition and growth using advanced mass spectrometric techniques
15:00-15:20    Dr. Lubna Dada (Online)              Invited -  ​Simulating new particle formation in the 26.1 m3 CLOUD chamber
15:25-15:45    Dr. Joonas Vanhanen (Online)     Invited  - Using AIRMODUS A11 nCNC to measure atmospheric new particle formation

Session-3: New Particle Formation and Growth,  Chair: Dr. M. Venkat Ratnam
16:00-16:30    Prof. S.N. Tripathi                         Keynote - Rapid nocturnal growth of nanoparticles in Delhi
16:35-16:55    Prof. Sachin Gunthe                     Invited - Reduction in pollution results in another pollution: Role and importance of nanoparticles
17:00-17:20    Prof. Vijay Kanawade                   Invited - Overview of atmospheric new particle formation studies in India

Day 2: 14 March 2023
(All times are in Indian Standard Time, IST)

Session-4: Chemical Transformation of Aerosols, Chair: Dr. G. Pandithurai
09:15-09:45    Dr. Manish Shrivastava (Online)   Keynote - Recent advances in understanding secondary organic aerosols: Implications for climate forcing
09:50-10:10    Dr. Andrew Lambe (Online)          Invited - Measurements of secondary organic aerosols using an oxidation flow reactor
10:15-10:35    Prof. Neeraj Rastogi                     Invited - Oxidative potential of atmospheric aerosols over India
10:40-11:00    Dr. Saumya Singh                        Invited - Atmospheric ammonia measurements: Sources, processes and its impact on air quality

Session-5:  Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions, Chair: Prof. Sagnik Dey
11:20-11:50    Dr. G. Pandithurai                         Keynote - Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions: An uncertain component of the climate system.
11:55-12:15    Prof. Chandan Sarangi                 Invited - Aerosol-cloud-temperature relations over India
12:20-12:40   Dr. Antti-P Hyvarinen                     Invited - Long term observations at the sub-Arctic site Pallas: Indications for aerosol-cloud-climate trends

Session-6:  Aerosol-Climate, Chair: Prof. Chandan Sarangi
14:00-14:20    Dr. Sachchidanand Singh             Invited - Aerosol radiative forcing and its implications for climate
14:25-14:45    Dr. Vijayakumar S. Nair                Invited -  Aerosol effects on the hydrological cycle over the Himalayas
14:50-15:10    Dr. Ramakrishna Ramisetty          Invited - Measurement techniques for nanoparticles and air quality studies

Session-7: Air Quality-Health, Chair: Dr. Rakesh K. Hooda
15:35-15:55    Prof. Ravindra Khaiwal                 Invited - Air pollution exposure and health risk: From indoor to outdoor
16:00-16:20    Prof. Sagnik Dey                           Invited - Air pollution health impacts: Looking beyond PM mass
16:25-16:45    Prof. Santu Ghosh                        Invited - Air pollution and health effects: Evidence from India

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